Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Snoop Digital Security Magazine No. #1 Released

Hi Everyone;

After a while from starting of this project finally our magazine released just right now.

Indisputably it's in our native language( persian ) and included many good stuffs such as:

An Inroduction To DNS And Kaminsky DNS Vulnerability
Wireless Packet Injection With Airpwn
Exploiting Office:MS08-011 Attacking using Malformed .WPS
Security Tools Review: Nipper
A Simple Reverse Engineering
Hacking JSON
Intrusion Prevention Systems
Security Books Review: Security Power Tools
Basic IPTables
Deep Into Metasploit - Part 1

I hope you read it and find it useful.

I wanna thank from Netw0rm, Snake, L0pht, Black Scorpion, amytis and…

Snoop Security Researching Committee


[UPDATE]:Because of low bandwidth of our site you can also download this number of magazine from below address:


Unknown said...

Ty Amir though I didn't do anything .

CG said...

are you releasing an english verison?

sCORPINo said...

you are dear for us,even if you didn't do anything.

umm,we believe in that there are very good English materials for anyone,but not in we decided to release all nombers of our magazine in persian language for persian security/hacking community.
anyway thanks for your attention to our magazine.